Saturday, June 12, 2010

Now St Louis...Then Fairbanks. (Part 2: Our Story So Far....)

As many of you (perhaps even most of you) who are reading this may already know, I left my initial collegiate career prior to being awarded my Bachelors degree. And how it has long since been a personal as well as professional goal of mine to return to school and complete it. Thus the prior, albeit failed, attempt at a blog such as this.

In 2004, I was offered admission for the Fall at the University Of Alaska Fairbanks. Sadly, due to hurricane related damage to family housing in Florida and my being needed there, I had to pass on going back to school at that time. However, that did allow me to do more freelance work and further build my resume and portfolio with "real world" (if anything related to theatre can be called "real world") credits. And I continued to do school related research and planning...

Then, after being "at liberty" (a term some of us in the entertainment trade use for being unemployed) for the entire year of 2009 I decided that it was time. I re-applied and was accepted at UAF. In addition, I qualified for what is called a Theatre Transfer Student award, which reduces my tuition level from non-resident to resident. And to top it all off, I was awarded a scholarship based on my portfolio as well.....So, come September and the end of my contract here (with Stages St Louis in St Louis, MO) I will be boarding a plane to Fairbanks, AK !

As of the end of last week I had submitted my housing request/application and have had email contact with both my faculty adviser and one of my instructors for the Fall semester. My class registration should be complete by the end of next week (with the opening of "Big River" and the start of the "Promises, Promises" build here at Stages I'm a bit behind, sad to say). After that it's post office forms and medical forms and...well, more forms. I had almost forgotten how much paperwork can be involved with school enrollment. But I don't mind, since it gets me closer to school.

Of course, prepping for a move to Alaska and life in a dorm room is also an excellent exercise/reminder in "simplifying ones life". I spend at least a small portion of my day each day debating "will I really need to pack/bring that tool ? And if I do, how much weight will that add to my footlocker ?", etc.

Well, the dawn is fully up and I have stuff to do. So a discussion of my probable class schedule for the Fall and other stuff will have to wait till next entry......

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