Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Week (Part 1)

Well, it has been some length of time since my last posting...."Real life" can make that happen at times I guess.....sigh. Which means that some of the various thoughts I might have logged at the time have now joined my memories, merged with other thoughts and, most likely, will not see much daylight anytime soon.....shrug. Tho' I do hope to eventually post a missive about my flight(s) up here and such. All that said.....

I have arrived in Fairbanks !

Well, I actually arrived on Monday evening. Then spent yesterday getting much of my life here in order (Student ID (aka "Polar Express") card, picking up the portfolio copy that got me my talent scholarship, etc). And I had my first college class since 1983 and a meeting with my academic adviser (tho' not in that order).

The meeting with my adviser went well (I think). The only real "downside" is that I found out that a design position I had craved has already been, basically, promised to another student. Which I understand, as she has been here awhile and I am a new and untested quantity. Fair enough. And I may (note disclaimer) be able to get a design slot for at least one of the three one act shows being done as a group for this Falls primary mainstage production. My adviser is, at the moment, slated to be the scenic designer for them. Which is also fair, I suppose, given that such decisions were made before I was in the mix, picture, equation, what-have-you. But in yesterdays meeting the possibility of my getting at least one design was mentioned. I suspect it would most likely be for the Beckett script "Play", as my adviser mentioned that one of the pieces was a "carpentry challenge" and the urns in that one do fit that description. He (my adviser) also mentioned a possible outside job lead for me at one of the venues here in town. That gives me two places locally that I need to submit resumes to for "on call/freelance" gigs. I just need to get my "telephone ducks in a row" before sending out resumes, as I am going to be getting a new cell up here. Have not done it yet but I expect to have the process complete by late Thursday or Friday of this week.

The first class session was okay. Obviously, as there are already some prior social dynamics in place it may take a bit before I stop feeling a little out of place. But at least I made one of the "coeds" in the class laugh with a bit of situational humor (The instructor had, previously, written the word "Mood" on the board and, as is apparently a habit of his, placed "eyes" into the open centers..Then he wrote the word "Visibility" on the board but was having issues with it's spelling (is there an A in it or not) and then he (or someone) commented "It's all I's". To which I offhandedly commented "Just like Mood." There was a beat and then the student in front of me (the coed in question) laughed and sort of looked over her shoulder smiling and said (as I recall it) "Good one." I think that she was the only one in class who caught my comment. But that's fine....)

Today I'll have a meeting with the instructor of my Dramatic Literature course, who is also the primary director for all of the mainstage productions here. So I'm hoping to make a decent impression on him for the sake of future production assignments.

Also today is a student employment job fair. I'll be visiting that at some point, as I need to find some income and the previously mentioned on call gigs are outside of the campus. If I could find an on campus gig too that would be excellent. BTW, as I don't believe I mentioned it yet: I did NOT get the "re-entry student grant/scholarship/tuition waiver" I had been hoping for. So I am freaking out (just the little-est bit) about finances at the moment. Anyone who might have any leads on available grants, scholarships, etc please let me know....Thanks.

And today I will have my first sessions of the other classes on my schedule.

Saturday is a "public" portfolio review session. All the tech students gather and show their stuff to the faculty and whoever else shows up. So I'll be tweaking and adding some stuff to my portfolio over the next couple of days. I just need to locate a reasonably good quality color printer (on campus preferably) to print things once they are ready.

I still need to do more exploring, both here on campus and into the wilds of Fairbanks. Went for a bus ride yesterday afternoon/evening. Found some of the local shopping venues for future reference (always good to know where the food is....etc). And since my ID from UAF gets me free bus rides on the local mass transit, why not take advantage of it and go nosing ? Need to walk the rest of campus soon. I don't want to get into the feeling that "Here is Wick (my dorm). Here is the Fine Arts Complex and library. Here is the student center....that's it. That is my world." I'm here to do more stretching than that.

Well, insomnia got me up some while ago. And I got some stuff done. And now that the sun is up (tho' slightly concealed by fog and drizzle) I really should get along with the day. More later.

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