Well, the echoes of Auld Lang Syne have faded and it is nearing the end of the first full week of January, 2016. Time for some news!
First up:
As I posted previously, I had been waiting on the completion of the filing of my Credit for Prior Learning portfolio, submitted in lieu of having to take Acting II this Spring. I am pleased to announce that as of Wednesday morning, January 6th 2016, the university's online tracking system indicates that my portfolio has been processed and credit awarded. Which means that I have no more credits/courses needed at the undergraduate level. Which means that some 37 years after starting on the road to it, I have completed my Bachelors degree.
I still need to file a graduation request with the registrars office and pay the appropriate fees...but besides that?
In other news:
** The scenic build process for the UAF production of Closer is moving forward. If things continue as they have, we should have all the major elements built by the end of next week.
** The preparations for the NUAI's continues. The URTA website has posted a list of what schools will be at the NUAI's and what specific areas they will be recruiting for. After some scanning of that I have been in touch with a couple of schools and have even gotten a reply back from one of them, with the indication of them intending to meet with me there in Chicago. The prospect has me both hopeful and anxious. Of course, that can prove to be a useful combination of emotions.
** The search continues for a part time gig/some way to pay various expenses over the next few months. I do have a lead on a gig that would run during the month of April. Nothing confirmed yet. So I shan't speak much about it. But I really kind of want it. Not just for the money, but also as a resume builder. That said, even if I get that gig, I still need to get some income to make it till April. Sigh.
** While working on portfolio items and my web-presence, I have discovered that I have a blog that I had apparently set up some while back and then forgotten. No posts there...yet. It is on Wordpress. And just a few weeks ago I began stetting up a page - again, no published posts yet - on Wix. The intent is that they - or at least one of them - will be exclusively my theatrically related portfolio. Yes, as you see from one of the links at the bottom of this post I do have a Tumblr dedicated to my artistic endeavors. However it is not explicitly theatrical. And I need one that is. So that means that, within the next week or so, I should have yet another link to add to those found below.
While I suspect that there is more to share, that is all for the moment.
Till later.
My general, rather eclectic, Tumblr:
Semi-Random Shavings
A portfolio of my various work and projects, both theatrical and otherwise.
My school related fundraising site:
Help Me Continue My Educational Momentum
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