Saturday, May 3, 2014

"Ohh, It's A Saturday Night And I..."

As the subject line implies: A Spring Saturday evening. And here I am with all sorts of schtuff (yes, that *is* how that particular word is spelled) rambling about within my synapses. And since it needs to leak out now and again.....well. Here we are.

[WARNING: Potential 'stream of consciousness' text segments and/or venting to follow]:

First things first: As I mentioned in a prior entry I have, happily, been hired for Summer stock gig. Which will help at least to some degree with the budget for the Fall. And in candor I also have to say that it was/is a bit of an ego boost to have realized that I didn't even really interview for the gig. That apparently my resume, online portfolio, and references spoke for me. As one who, like many artists (or those who are aspiring to be such), has faced various bouts with self doubt and angst I can freely admit that such a situation feels quite good.

I won't go into any further specifics until I get the signed copies of my contract (which arrived late yesterday) mailed back to the producing venue. However, I will say that it is a type of position that I have filled previously and it will almost certainly involve some carpentry, potentially involve some upholstering, and definitely involve some fabrication of 'paper goods'.

One of my hopes is that, even with the demands of the season, I might be able to get some 'project work' done as well. Such things as some carving, sketching, etc. The idea is to achieve some skill building, some potential portfolio items (both theatrical and artistic), and some preparation for some independent production projects I have ideas about.

As for those ideas? Well, I admit that I find myself a bit hesitant to share much about them. In part because "Macy's doesn't tell Gimbles." Yes, I have been bitten in the glutes previously by letting what I am thinking out. Which is part of why this blog is, at times, a challenge to write....But enough of that particular kvetching. What I will say about one of the project ideas I have been working on is that it involves: Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Shakespeare. And the UAF Green Room.

Beyond projects of my own fabrication, there is also a potential lighting design opportunity that has been mentioned to me and that I am hoping to take advantage of. And while I understand that, since I wasn't there this last academic year, I may be out of consideration for any design slots on the Fall mainstage show, one never knows.

I continue to plan as though I know I am going back to UAF in the Fall. Admittedly, at this moment, that is partially an act of 'positive visualization'. I'm still underfunded, even with the potential income/savings that I can add up from the Summer stock gig. I can't let that stop me. I didn't let other situations, such as never having been to AK before...or having to resort to various methods of 'non standard housing' for a full academic year (and then some)...or being twice the age of most of my classmates...stop me. And so I have to keep 'walking the walk'. And questing for sponsorships and/or scholarships.

My plans for my Fall classes are pretty basic. After all, I should only need 11 more credit hours of core courses to achieve my degree. Two 4 hour lab science courses. And one 3 hour mathematics course. For Fall the plan is to get the math and one of the sciences out of the way (at the moment my choice is an Intro to Astronomy course). To those I want to add at least one studio art course. I *really* need some studio time. I have been feeling a bit twitchy without it. To that end I am intending to enroll in Beginning Printmaking. Partly because the professor who has been my art department mentor (as opposed to my theatrical one(s)) once said that printmaking is a good skill set to learn, as it can almost be "like printing money". That is to say, you can pull multiple prints and sell them at a variety of venues much more easily than you might with sculpture, etc. And partly because I have some scenographic ideas that I am curious about. I did some 'block printing' for a costume design class project and I'd like to expand that skill set. So...printmaking class. And if I can't get into that class, I'd go for my third class in Native Arts Studio (ie: Advanced Native Arts). That level of class is basically an agreed on set of independent projects, and I have had some ideas germinating regarding that possibility as well. Then in the Spring I will finish the last required lab science course and fill in with some more studio courses.

I've also given some thought to the idea of doing a Thesis Project course in the theatre department. It isn't required but I've been considering the possibility for some while now. As far as I am aware, there has never yet been a technical student who did a thesis project. Directing students? Yep. Acting students? Certainly. But no tech/design folks. Besides the fact that it would be kind of cool to be the first to do it it would, I think, also help me prepare for my MFA work. Because, after all, that *is* the next step I want to take. So skill building towards that end would be a positive thing. And the project I hinted at above might be a good choice for a thesis....maybe. We shall have to see.

Enough rambling for now. I'll almost certainly be back before the weekend is out with another post (sneak preview: it deals with pathways, training, focus, and a few things Disney). Till later.

Help Me Continue My Educational Momentum

 A portfolio of my various work and projects, both theatrical and otherwise.  

 Semi-Random Shavings

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